Sunday, January 28, 2007

Synchronizing Naps for Siblings

Okay...I am asking for the impossible...but does anyone have any miracles up their sleeve? Okay so what I'm really asking is will I ever get a nap again?


Anonymous said...

good luck :)

Dawn said...

If I had a tried and true answer for this I think I'd have a bestselling book!

When my kids actually napped regularly, I would adjust their naps times by 5 min. a day until they were roughly at the same times. However, teething, illness, grumpiness, food, weather, and just about anything else seemed to affect their nap times. But on a smooth day, they eventually napped at the same time.

Also, when my eldest outgrew napping she always had quiet time on her bed. This was easy to have at the same time as the younger sibling.