Sunday, January 28, 2007

Mini-retreats for Mom (How to get some DOWN time...or better yet

Oh boy! This is a tough one for me! With sleep being so fleeting...the only thing I ever want to do with any spare moment is to take a nap. I'm already behind on my "One Year Bible" and it's only January...I usually make it 'til at least March before I fall this behind! At this rate I'm reading the 3 year bible!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

swap with other moms for 2-3 hours. once a week on weds you swap- one
week you bring your kids to your friends house and she watched your
kids. the next week she brings her kids to your house and you watch
her kids. 2x a month you get a break and 2x a month she gets a break.
I use this time to do errands that are hard for me to do with kids and
to do my HG study or just 'rest' and be... at a coffee shop or
favorite restaurant.