Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Mom's Survival Guide

Hello Wonderful Mommies!
I am sure you can all relate to what I am about to say..."But I need a vacation!!!! A retreat if you will..." I am feeling frazzled and that is when I am at my worst at being a mom. You know what it's like when you have had NO sleep and your energy level is less than stellar, and then your little one(s) still have needs, and you feel like you've got nothing to offer. Well, it has been that kind of week for me. So I had an idea...a cry for help of sorts. I thought it is time for a "Mom's Survival Guide" Oh I am sure there are zillions of books out there...I don't want to read those books...I don't have time anyway! I am asking YOU the moms I know and trust. I would love to have your BEST mommy ideas. And you can feel free to forward to other moms as well.

Here are some categories:
1. Rainy Day Diversions
2. Making Bedtime Blissful
3. Defeating The 4'Oclock Doldrums
4. Hidden Healthy Snacks for Picky eaters
5. Creative Discipline
6. Synchronizing Naps for Siblings
7. Project/Games
8. Mini-retreats for Mom (How to get some DOWN time...or better yet DEVOTIONS)

Give 'em to me and I'll compile them and post them to my blog...I hope to learn from all of you!
P.S. You might even want to suggest the best make-up for covering up bags under the eyes...mine are looking like the grand canyon lately!

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